Right-hand Sundog

Right-hand Sundog
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Uploaded by Bengul Kurtar on Nov 30 2019 in Vancouver
Taken on Feb 13 2019

I came across this sundog while snowshoeing with my friends on Grouse Mountain in Vancouver, BC. As per Wikipedia; "Sun dogs are commonly caused by the refraction and scattering of light from plate-shaped hexagonal ice crystals either suspended in high and cold cirrus or cirrostratus clouds, or drifting in freezing moist air at low levels as diamond dust. The crystals act as prisms, bending the light rays passing through them with a minimum deflection of 22°. As the crystals gently float downwards with their large hexagonal faces almost horizontal, sunlight is refracted horizontally, and sun dogs are seen to the left and right of the Sun. Larger plates wobble more, and thus produce taller sundogs."

Tagged: nature outdoors tree plant abies fir


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